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Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life: Dai-2 no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita Episode 12 Discussion

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Sep 12, 2022 4:29 AM

Nov 2011
Meh, this felt rushed but unleashing a bunch of monsters for Yuuji to take on in the finale sounded like a dull move for the plot. Walter really did cause the most problems in this show for him.

It's too bad I couldn't get invested enough into Walter's character as he felt underdeveloped. It is what it is.

Sep 12, 2022 4:29 AM

Jul 2017
The Strongest Sage vs. the "Salvation" occultist Dragon's Grace Sage in a finale showdown of similar OP powers, and Yuji has to micro-manage both the adventurers and his own creature team at the same time. NGL, this does remind me of Black Clover's intense fight action, but this ain't scratching an inch of what the former had. And Yuji, barring his negative MP limit and with all his might, right to the spoken divine prophecy of "where the sun and moon will meet", he was able to subdue Walter to save the world.

As is the custom, everyone engages with a celebratory feast, but Yuji continues to take caution barring that the remnants of the Blue Moon of Salvation still run amok with a guild continuing its mission, and decides to stay off-track to avoid detection. And even wild monsters are no match for the OP protagonist, whom is now known as the monster tamer whom have defeated legends and powerful monsters alike.

It shouldn't be a surprise that just like Shinkoshoto's previous series a.k.a Shikkakumon, this is just plain bad to average at best.
Even if there's nothing bad 'bout it, it's just boring as molasses.
KANLen09Sep 12, 2022 8:28 AM
Sep 12, 2022 5:44 AM
Feb 2022
i feel like this anime need to work on their main hero show some emotions bro pls
Sep 12, 2022 6:00 AM

Jul 2020
The omnipotent entity Yuuji-kun saved the world with not so much as a scratch on him and went on killing random monsters just because why the fuck not, that's the god Yuuji for you, get over it.
This whole slideshow is boredom at its finest
Sep 12, 2022 6:12 AM

Jan 2019
A Cliffhanger and it feels rush. also I'm expecting a story on how Yuji met the slims, wolf and dryad
Sep 12, 2022 6:14 AM
Jul 2020
boring copy paste
Sep 12, 2022 6:16 AM
Jan 2020
Why is the God on a different art style?
Sep 12, 2022 6:20 AM
Jul 2017
typical isekai anime - a good one to just kinda turn your brain off on
Sep 12, 2022 6:42 AM
Sep 2021
Na, watched it all and from the begining didnt enjoy this show. Am a big isekai fan but this was just meh, MC was dull, story felt empty. O well.
Sep 12, 2022 6:45 AM

Apr 2018
The last fight put me to sleep like the whole anime, another low budget isekai with almost no originality at all, at least it still had some entertaining moment but that's all, definitely not a memorable anime.
Sep 12, 2022 6:54 AM

Mar 2013
I will miss this series! The OP and ED are so lovely.

I very much enjoyed this series since the first episode. TBH 8/10★ for me.

P.S. I want a sequel now lmao
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Sep 12, 2022 7:02 AM

Jan 2021
Yuji I need to rely on teamwork, I should trust that these townspeople can defend themselves. I need to save all my MP for defeating this evil sage. Immediately gives them all a stat boost in order to defend themselves. IDK Yuji doesn't seem to trust others in order to get stuff done.

Also Yuji really did just spam divine whatever in order to weaken the dude. Why didn't he get that power before was he not close enough? Then he traps him and defeats him with the blade.

The ending is kinda what I expected, Yuji looks like he's in a bad situation and then immediately turns it around. We get more stuff about the blue moon, seriously they're still going at it, you'd think they would learn if an all powerful sage is defeated. Yuji goes back to his old life pretending to be an ordinary guy tamer, only this time to be recognized as a powerful hero.

I wouldn't say this is the worst isekai of all time, it had its moments of action and fun. But its just very average, I will give a point for not having those two girls follow him the entire time and talk about how handsome and powerful he is. Instead his party consists of slimes and a wolf, sticking true to the fact that he's a "tamer."
Sep 12, 2022 7:13 AM

May 2021
Great episode! The rain is now making monsters go berserk...
The sage is now attempting to bring salvation through destruction to break the cycle of each generation of sage being killed by a dragon...
He and Yuuji spam hellfire of decimation at each other though the sage isn't the one suffering as it seems he may well have unlimited MP.
At the same time also, Yuuji is trying to save people in the town!
Though the people in the town have acknowledged Yuuji's help he gave them before and now are ready to defend themselves!
Yuuji realises how hard the others are working and buffs their attack and speed!
Now they can all get rid of the monsters easily without Yuuji worrying about them.
Steyl has been given a revelation that when sun and moon aligns as one star in the sky, divine judgement will be delivered...
It's a good thing that Yuuji has Dryad's MP recovery potion!


Anyways, Yuuji gets up to the sage's height and is attacked by a triple hellfire of demise! Yuuji responds by spamming it also but it doesn't affect the sage...
Yuuji instad uses the divine strike.
It also seems to hurt him and Yuuji can spam it quite fast!
It's still not enough to fully kill him so he prepares his slimes then casts divine strike after throwing his dagger in the sky! Seems the sun and moon have aligned as one!
Yuuji activates a magic barrier x6 so the sage's attack won't hurt him and then a total isolation ray...
The sage is enclosed! And his magic is unusable now also!
Yuuji strikes the sage with his dagger and kills him!
Yuuji then floats down from the sky covered in a gold aura xD.
But then he collapses...luckily it seems he is fine!
He decides not to stay in the town to avoid the blue moon's suspicion.
Meanwhile, everyone in the town is happy and celebrating.
Seems trouble is still here though...
The 'purifier' has been completed by the Blue Moon Of Salvation.
Yuuji hears about this though and the black dragon they are talking about.
Then monsters surround Yuuji!
He brings the cannibal's tigre to the guild and the receptionist starts crying as she thinks when Yuuji said he beat it alone it meant his party died!
Her coworker comes in and now everyone recognises Yuuji as the famous tamer who can use magic!

It has been very fun to watch this show and I really enjoyed everything about it! Hope we get a season 2!
Rem4lifexDSep 12, 2022 7:58 AM
Sep 12, 2022 7:22 AM
Dec 2017
This is the only isekai I watched on x2 speed. This episode I used x4 on fight scenes....

Sep 12, 2022 7:34 AM
Sep 2019
ArrowPL said:
i feel like this anime need to work on their main hero show some emotions bro pls

I didn't watch the Anime jet. Is it worth it ?
Sep 12, 2022 7:44 AM
Feb 2018
not good enough for me to pick up the light novel but good enough for me to want a second season
Sep 12, 2022 7:44 AM
Apr 2019

I didn't watch the Anime jet. Is it worth it ?[/quote]

Sep 12, 2022 7:45 AM

Apr 2014
As its name implied, My Isekai Life. This anime is Yuuji's journal. It was the story of him traveling from town to town, taking quests, and defeating monsters. That's it.
Sep 12, 2022 7:55 AM
Sep 2020
The end was a bit disapointing the rest of the episode was amazing
Sep 12, 2022 8:21 AM
Jul 2022
Sep 12, 2022 8:32 AM
May 2021
I liked the last few episodes of this anime and animation also kinda improved there. So ya average isekai. The last scene of Yuuji confused about what to do as his achievements have been disclosed kinda made me laugh lol
Sep 12, 2022 9:01 AM

Feb 2014
I'm thinking Dryad's entry on MAL should have her as "Supporting" as she didn't appear in majority of episodes.
Sep 12, 2022 9:09 AM
Aug 2015
Shit was lame as hell
Sep 12, 2022 9:11 AM
Sep 2015
Such a cliffhanger! In fact I'm not even sure if it's a cliffhanger considering that it's unlikely this anime will get any sequel. Which is such a shame because I have fun. But the villain, particularly the blue moon church never fully developed, it's like they're evil just for the sake of being evil, and their goal, to destroy the world, couldn't be more simple.
Sep 12, 2022 9:14 AM

May 2021
The final battle and was resolved by a divine revelation at the last moment. Lol.

Sep 12, 2022 9:20 AM
Sep 2019
The last episode could have a better pasting, the sound design as in all episodes goes, was a bit out of place in some cases. Overall if you have gone as far you will probably enjoy the episode but do not hope it is better than the rest of the show.
Sep 12, 2022 11:17 AM
Jan 2021
One of those animes you wished you hadn't watched.
Sep 12, 2022 11:28 AM
Nov 2016
Finally this "thing" ended, I can now never think about it again. I watched episode one and then every next one because I had nothing better to do on Monday evenings. Skipped through much of the filler and slow parts.
Sep 12, 2022 11:28 AM
Jun 2020
sage with infinite magic knowledge. spams hellfire 1000 times in a row. in response MC does the same.

negative MP for casting spells... but the HP instantly refills. (litterally watched the numbers revert)

barrier and single stab from a knife that rando priest handed him.

OK why bother having the weird wolf in the anime at all he did nothing. even when they pretended that he carried the slimes all over the slimes had the plot teliport to be anywhere in the town/entire world they needed to be 100% of the time.

MC never had any development, dialog or emotion till the very end.
what a dull lifeless anime. I watched this to the end to be inspired to pursue the production of the anime my dog wrote on the lawn this morning I'm sure that It can top this.

this 1 outta 10 gets plus two for one reason only. the trope girls didn't drag behind him to make this a harem like usual.
Toxic_HollowSep 12, 2022 11:33 AM
Sep 12, 2022 11:30 AM
Nov 2016
Rem4lifexD said:
The rain is now making monsters go berserk...

Rain is turning the frogs gay :)
Sep 12, 2022 11:35 AM

Apr 2022
What an unimaginative dumpster fire. It's a shame the bad guys never win in these, this world would me buch better off perishing for good.
Sep 12, 2022 11:49 AM

May 2018
Ended as expected. The Sage guy was pretty wack, he even had unlimited mana!

5/10 very average
Sep 12, 2022 11:54 AM
Dec 2010
This anime is why this phrase is in use
"Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should"
Sep 12, 2022 12:34 PM

Jun 2015
So they kept just shooting bigger and bigger firebolts at each other. But ive found this show good fun, would be nice too see more of it, especially given its clear crazy peeps aint finished trying to destroy the world!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Sep 12, 2022 12:51 PM

Mar 2022
Spamming Hellfire of Decimation... Wait, Divine Strike? DIVINE STRIKE! Wait, I can use it again...? lol

Worst isekai I watched? No, not by a long shot. And I admit some parts were actually entertaining. However, with so many stuff they skipped in this adaptation, unfortunately it is at best below average isekai. So, I guess 4/10. If they do a second season I will still watch it.
Sep 12, 2022 1:17 PM
Sep 2013
Until this episode was very good, even this first part being filler they did something really cool in this fight, they managed to convey the vibe of the fight very well with a soundtrack behind it was very epic, not to mention that each part of the episode had a different track, going through different moods during the episode, that was really exciting.
And that's it, the end of the anime, honestly it's not an anime that I would recommend to people, it's just an anime at most ok to pass the time, I recommend going to the manga, the story was told much better there, not to mention that it has the plus of hot girls. But both in the manga and in the anime there is this lack due to the lack of a female protagonist, maybe the dryad and the guild clerks suppress this lack a little in the manga, in the anime the lack of this element is very obvious from the beginning. In the manga, the protagonist being overpower is well explored in the anime, not including this last episode. In the manga even the protagonist's skills, guild levels and quest levels are well explored, in the anime it is simply forgotten.
In the anime, this business where the protagonist is always has a disaster is completely strange, it looks like elements of bad writing, it doesn't have a great depth in the world in which the protagonist is nor a great depth in this sect.
And the entire anime didn't have any character deepening.



Até que esse episodio fui muito bom,mesmo essa primeira parte sendo filler eles fizeram algo muito foda nessa luta, eles conseguiram passar a vibe da luta muito bem com umas trilha sonora por trás ficou muito épico, sem falar que cada parte do episódio tinha uma trilha diferente, passando climas diferentes durante o episódio, isso empolgou bastante.
E é isso, o fim do anime, sinceramente não é um anime que eu recomendaria para as pessoas, é só no máximo um anime ok para passar o tempo,eu recomendo ir para o manga, a história foi contada de maneira muito melhor lá, sem falar que tem o plus das garotas gostosas. Mas tanto no manga como no anime tem essa carência pela falta de uma protagonista feminina, talvez a dryad e as balconistas das guildas suprima um pouco essa carência no manga, no anime a carência desse elemento é muito obvia desde o início. No manga o protagonista ser overpower é bem explorado no anime não, tirando esse último episódio. No manga até mesmo as habilidades do protagonista, os níveis da guilda e os níveis das missões são bem explorados, já no anime é simplesmente esquecido.
No anime esse negocio de onde o protagonista estiver sempre tem um desastre é completamente estranho, fica parecendo elementos de uma má escrita, não tem um grande aprofundamento no mundo em que o protagonista se encontra nem um grande aprofundamento nessa seita.
E o anime inteiro não teve nenhum aprofundamento de personagem.

Sep 12, 2022 1:47 PM

Sep 2018
Worst isekai anime I've seen since Okaa-san online. Only thing good was the OP lol...
Sep 12, 2022 1:59 PM

Mar 2020
Shima_Rei said:
A Cliffhanger and it feels rush. also I'm expecting a story on how Yuji met the slims, wolf and dryad

Small question without sarcasm and not mean, did you watch the anime?
Sep 12, 2022 2:17 PM
Jul 2021
This entire show felt like one gigantic why da fudge not from every single person attached to this project!

This MC was over powered beyond words, step aside Goku and Saitama let this Yuuji guy handle everything and doing it with out showing any emotions! Who needs them? I am right?

I hope this anime gets dropped and forgotten for good, it could have been something else, something better, way better, but alas no. Bye Yuuji and your discount slimes.
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Sep 12, 2022 2:23 PM

Jan 2013
one of the worst isekais this season. there are many. dam what a terrible summer lineup we had. post covid anime is absolute trash.
Sep 12, 2022 3:48 PM
Jan 2022
It had kind of a strong start and i thought that mc is interesting, but as the show continues it grows boring per episode, you watch this anime and feel like its such a waste of such good potential story, other than that the music and the power system seemed really cool, but it was overall an ok and kind of entertaining for being a one time watch, it had great potential but turned out to be like a genric isekai story, this might be because of poor screenplay of story.

also mc was really likable from start but then the more you know him the more you think he lacks personality, side characters were the life of the show! the slimes were one of the strongest point of this show as they were really wholesome and adorable!

overall rating
Sep 12, 2022 4:53 PM
Feb 2016
Looking at my phone a lot watching this show.
Sep 12, 2022 4:59 PM

Nov 2011
Nothing special. Will be forgetful in the long run. Slimes were great, ending song was great everything else was average.

Worst Isekai of the Season Easily.

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Sep 12, 2022 5:02 PM
Jun 2022
premise is simple, just wants a simple life but then gets thrown into things. the pacing is fun, and meet interesting characters. the only downfall i see if not knowing much about others like Dryad.
Sep 12, 2022 5:51 PM

Dec 2018
This finale episode was pretty good, lots of nice animations during the final fight, seeing everyone Yuuji helped so far fighting for themselves and then partying afterwards was fun, but I’ll say that Yuuji just drinking a potion that undid all of his MP loss was a bit if a lame solution, but it didn’t upset me that much because it is an Isekai after all lol. And of course afterward we get the classic read the source bait where they’re introducing a new arc and new characters (that blonde at the end was hot lol), but it wasn’t a bad way to end it, Yuuji getting recognized for his work was cool.

And that was the show, definitely mostly a generic Isekai, but I’ll say there’s a handful of things I liked. I actually do like the fact that Yuuji is bland and emotionless, it made the way he deals with threats a bit of a meme and the contrast with his really expressive slimes was fun, so I’ll be one of the few that actually liked Yuuji lol. I was also a fan of the slimes of course, love those funny little guys, and this show did have some nice animation here and there as well as some good OST.

Most of the show didn’t look so good, a lot of still shots and reused animations, and the story wasn’t that good either, it was pretty predictable for sure. But, I did enjoy this watch, it was a fun way to kick back and turn my brain off on my Mondays of which only have this show airing, I think I will actually miss Yuuji and his slimes. And I will definitely miss that killer OP and the silly but catchy ED featuring the slimes. I’d probably watch another season of this if one was to ever come about.
Sep 12, 2022 8:48 PM
Mar 2014
nice ground to 2nd season
Sep 12, 2022 9:46 PM

Dec 2014
Pretty bad even for generic isekai standards, all fights kinda sucked spamming same 2-3 abilities on repeat, 1 dimensional cast ect

The show had a kinda nice and relaxing vibe to it, kinda a bit like watching an sol so at least that's a plus

Overall a low 5/10, if your an average isekai enjoyer that is running out of shows to watch this isn't the worst this genre has to offer.
Sep 12, 2022 11:45 PM

Nov 2019
BOOOOORING, holy shit, typical overpowered MC for the sake of being overpowered

Sep 13, 2022 2:06 AM
Feb 2011
I appreciate what they were trying to do here, even if the execution was bit miss. Especially the thing with the dagger was really cool.
Sep 13, 2022 2:15 AM
Nov 2016
Man, this show has perfect use of budget IS2G. Saves everything for the biggest moments
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